updated blog& watsoever
so yeasterday;
haha...collaborators been scold by Maam A. haha..she deserves it& i want to see her being punished for all the stupid things shes done. and one more thing shes such a feeler
enough about that.. & why am i even talking about that bitch(!) shes wasting my space, my time in this blog(!) anyways today is the birthday of Michiyo chan.. happy birthday to you beshi^___^
the sports ive joined:
badminton singles
long jump
thats all..haha(!) i didnt join badminton doubles since i cant find a partner..haiz..this sucks(!)
now a days i cant play badminton so well since i still cant find my aim(!) i really want to win(!) but if your gonna lose then its still okay with me(!) like the saying goes "accept your defeat for thats the path to success"
oh well(!) im tried to type here whats been going on in this day(!) haha.. but(!) ill tell you an overview of it:
isabel vs
steph {me} vs
enough about that.. when secretadbuu.. PM me. this was it.. ive cut some parts of it only in the first & last... i find it very funny when i read secretadbuu & lorraine's chat.. haha, lorraine's very outstanding here(!) very good drama(!) haha..lorraine's first time to scold a 14 yr old boy..well... not the first time but i think this now is the 2nd time.. i dont know the 1st time but i guess lorraine remembers it.. lorraine is not really this mean(!) she was just joking..haha
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secretadbuu: hehehe
secretadbuu: wat YM?
secretadbuu: yan n po eung YM?
skrpbuk08: eiiko_japanbby
secretadbuu: ahh
secretadbuu: i nad nya na ata me ^^
skrpbuk08: yes i know
skrpbuk08: i tell her dat
secretadbuu: hayx..
secretadbuu: ate
secretadbuu: bt gnun?
secretadbuu: parang bad mood ata xa
skrpbuk08: o?
skrpbuk08: d xiguro
skrpbuk08: haha
skrpbuk08: msyahing tao yan
secretadbuu: xbhn u na po kac
skrpbuk08: anu sbi nya syu?
secretadbuu: -'LuiZ.'-: ate
MiiSA ??? 41: ate?
-'LuiZ.'-: pde p b sbhn u site sken?
MiiSA ??? 41: cno k?
-'LuiZ.'-: kausap po me ni ate steph
MiiSA ??? 41: oki?
MiiSA ??? 41: i dunno u yo
-'LuiZ.'-: ate
MiiSA ??? 41: argh
MiiSA ??? 41: cno k nga
-'LuiZ.'-: pde po b xbhn sken site nun sa Chinese LEtters
-'LuiZ.'-: luiz po
MiiSA ??? 41: MY GOD!!!
-'LuiZ.'-: y po?
-'LuiZ.'-: boy po b u?
MiiSA ??? 41: no
MiiSA ??? 41: im a girl
thats their chat haha... what currently happen at school today is not my day(!) well some off them cuz when i recieve my testpaper i have no grade below 81% haha.. well.. that grade is kinda high to me haha.. talk about "unexpected luck"the worst dayi really hate COLLABORATOR(!) no words can ever descibe how i hate her effin face & her stupid idiotic turncoater attitude(!) shes such a jelousy bitch(!) plastic wannabe(!)
i tried to do my own html & i suck at it(!) ive think i got it but the codes are screwed up(!) god i hate it when that happens(!) and what else oh yeah(!) my lil bro cried his heart out when he found out that he lost his wallet but all this time it was with my father haha(!)
november 29 - birthday of my best friend LORRAINE(!)
december 4 - MINI olympics
yey! im an official in chess(!) well... we all do got the chance to pick haha(!) the only thing i wish for today is that to get the gold medal and win the championship(!) becoz everytime i play like i defeat all player in my level but when it comes to a higher level then me i skunk(!) i blew it all(!) kapuk(!)
okai.. that enough i got to go.. the order of the KFC is here already.. until next time(!)
PS i want to watch "the last mimzy" again!!! GOD I LOVE THE MOVIE(!)
im offically getting addicted to it(!) i wanna buy MIMZY(!) who ever buys that for me gets errr...?? uhmmm.... ehhhhh just blessings haha(!) LMAO
i talk you listen
i watch "the last mimzy" today(!) it was like so awesome movie i have ever seen its BEYOND EXPLANATION(!) ive watch it like 3 times today(!) haha.. im uber to the max(!) its really a very outstanding movie from the director of E.T .. & i should have watch "the 200 pounds beauty" today by alas imee forgot to bring it.. grrrr wait till i get my hands on her(!) .. hate this(!) ...
hmmmm.. what else oh yeah! last week(!) i bought 2 t-shirt from QUIZ in MOD haha(!) with my very own POCKET MONEY(!) haha.. the blue one saya "LIVE LIFE ON THE EDGE" & the pink one says "FULL OF **IT" haha.. its an oversize like fitted shirt.. i dont get it.. when i bought it i though its an overfize one but its fitted but anyway its cool(!) but i still didnt wear it, ill save it till were allowed to wear winter clothes & next week is the week that we are allowed to wear W.C
tomorrow imma going to buy that jacket with my own pocket money again & of cor also the money of my mom.. its really a heavy one means its 129 sr. and my money is 5o+ so i need more cash(!) to buy it haha.. well talking about that.. i gotta go(!)hehe..
oh yeah i forgot(!) imee,me & clarrence do some crazy stuff in the clinic.. pretending like a buddah the one with many hands that is.. haha.. i got a picture of it(!) but ill upload it later
My so-called-LAST LiNE - EXAM

i'm gonna stop
learn how to face my fears.
love with all my heart, make my mark.
i wanna leave something here.
go out on a ledge,
that's what i'm gonna be about. yeah,
i'm gonna be running when the sand runs out.
cause people do it everyday,
i've been there, but i'm changing from inside out.
3rd Mastery test is coming up so seldom get online. Need to study hard(!) i really have the hard time knowing the statements & reasonings in Geometry(!) arghh!! hate that subject(!)
but now(!) ill update my blogskin first haha..
"its Happy Line by YUI"
Dare no tame ni ikite iru no?
Saenai hibi wo sugoshite
Tarinai kinou ni obore
Yume ni kaita kyou sorowanakutemo yeah yeah
Yoake mae no mabataku hoshi wa
Kiete itta no? Asu e itta no?
Tomorrow never knows
It's happy line
Nani wo shinjite ikeba ii?
Mienai hibi wo sugoshite
Donna yoru wo mitemo mou kurai kao shinaide
Daremo ga shiawase wo yobu egao
Miete iru no? Warawanakutemo yeah yeah
Asu e no omoi wo mune ni
Akai me wo mite
Waratte mita no
Tomorrow never knows
It's happy line
Tarinai kinou ni obore
Yume ni kaita kyou sorowanakutemo yeah yeah
Yoake mae no mabataku hoshi wa
Kiete itta no? Asu e itta no?
Tomorrow never knows
It's happy line
ill change my blogskin today(!) & i mean it.. cuz i think its really bogus(!)
haiz. ill stop here maybe someother time ill have something to say not just some crap(!)
A girl who can only live at night and a high school
student who loves to surf as the sunrises...The two had nothing in
common...Kaoru Amane, 16 years old, did not attend school but
instead sang herself away every night after dark at a square in front of
train station with a guitar in her hands. She led a lifestyle opposite the norm,
sleeping during the day and active at night. Kaoru was suffering from xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), an illness, which also might be
described as the allergy to the sun,
and was not allowed to
be exposed to sunlight. The only motivation in her
life was singing, which also was the only connection to the outside world.One
day, an incident drastically
changes her life..
haiz i got dc a while ago at 12 noon then got connected again at 3:30 pm... while got disconnected me and my lil bro do something beyond explanation. Me(!) i watch the bonus features of "the Grudge 2" with my mom while my lil bro make a somewhat-animation video haha.. believe it or not(!) its really wacky(!) haha.. i find it funny & unusual(!)

moist chocolate icecream cake
after that we went to the tamimi & do the grocery thing hahas.. im so bored..
lets get EMOtional

me: uhhh yes. wheres the cream(?)
puts the cream
someone: is that 28(?) why it has cream. i said no cream(!) *to the cook*
me: woah my god(!) *saying to myself*
haha... i just mess up all of that..becoz of that the cook was very confused
hmmm..wat else oh yeah(!) i bought a vintage braclet whooo.. bigtime(!) i bought it in the somewhat-center of the mall practically the store doesnt have a name.. but ill call it the "vintage shop" since they sell vintage items..haha
blackBOARD collage
well first of all i borrowed imee's chalk pastel & then i write all over the board with different
chalk colors.. then others followed haha(!)
picture taken by: ME(!) in Clarrence's cellphone
lorraine - michiyo
diane- chiaki
isabel- Misaki
tasneem - asuka
steph - kumiko
raichelle - tsubaki
Tutorial Blogs
new brand day
head over heels - previews title of lorraine when we were creating a story
love at the creek
pen pal
text pal
help(!) me create a title hehe, can(?) just tag me(!)
hmmm what happened today oh yeah(!) we watch the grudge 2 at the library.. but(!) then the supervisor wont let us watch again cuz the computer got hanged
hmmmm.. oh yeah(!) we buy skittles haha.. yeah(!) like so wat(!?)
& ive updated my yahoo whooooo..(!) this is one cool mail(!)
& lucky day where are only gonna bring small bag tomorrow that means theres no classes(!)
i have returned
hmmm yesterday me,yuna,imee watch "harry potter & the goblet of fire" in the LIBRARY(!) haha.. hmm.. wat else did i do(?) oh yeah.. the other day before yesterday ive was grounded(!)
this ends here..
Stupid Questions
1. At the movies: When you meet acquaintances/friends…
Stupid Question: Hey, what are you doing here?
Answer: Don’t you know, I sell tickets in black over here.
2. In the bus: A heavy lady wearing pointed highheeled shoes steps on your feet…
Stupid Question: Sorry, did that hurt?
Answer: No, not at all, I’m on local anesthesia… why don’t you try again.
3. At a funeral: One of the teary eyed people ask…
Stupid Question: Why, why him, of all people.
Answer: Why? Would it rather have been you?
4. At a restaurant: When you ask the waiter…
Stupid Question: Is the “Chinese Chow mein” dish good??
Answer: No, its terrible and made of adulterated cement. We occasionally also spit in it.
5. At a family gettogether: When some distant aunt meets you after years…
Stupid Question: Aww diddums, you’ve become so big.
Answer: Well you haven’t particularly shrunk yourself.
6. When a friend announces her wedding, and you ask…
Stupid Question: Is the guy you’re marrying good?
Answer: No, he’s a miserable wifebeating, insensitive lout… it’s just the money.
7. When you get woken up at midnight by a phone call…
Stupid Question: Sorry. were you sleeping?
Answer: No. I was doing research on whether the Zulu tribes in Africa marry or not.
You thought I was sleeping… you dumb witted moron.
8. When you see a friend/colleague with evidently shorter hair…
Stupid Question: Hey have you had a haircut?
Answer: No, its autumn and I’m shedding…
9. At the dentist when he’s sticking pointed objects in your mouth…
Stupid Question: Tell me if it hurts?
Answer: No it wont. It will just bleed.
10. You are smoking a cigarette and a cute woman asks..
Stupid Question: Oh, so you smoke.
Answer: Gosh, it’s a miracle… it was a piece of chalk and now it’s in flames!!!
11. You are fishing and a guy asks…
Stupid Question: Are you fishing?
Answer: No,I was just drowning worms.
12. You’ve been living in a colony from the same time as your neighbour has been living but suddenly one day your neighbour asks you…
Stupid Question: Have you been living here all your life?
Answer: I don’t know… I haven’t died yet!
A blogger's Disclaimer
Never contact the writer for more details on events or personal information than what they have already provided on the site. Chances are if the information you seek isn't readily available, they have found it too personal or innapropriate to share. If you are close to the person they will eventually tell you privately, so intrusive questions are not necessary, just leave it alone. If you are meant to know, you will.
If you have a real life relationship with the writer, remember that communication is very important. View weblogs as online journals, no less sacred than a diary hidden between the mattresses. First of all let them know that you read their site, especially if they did not tell you personally.
If they do not want you reading it, or suddenly stop posting entries, ask them why and if necessary, stop going to the site. It is important that as a friend, relative, co-worker or whatever you may be to the writer, that your presence at their weblog not impede their ability to express themselves. Remember this is their outlet. They may not want you to read certain things they might write about you or others you care about, in order to spare your feelings, avoid drama or maintain their privacy. You should respect this and immediately stop going to the site, and never relay any information you gather at their site to others who might use it against them.

Ex-friends, lovers and estranged family members who have been cut out of the writer's life should refrain from reading their journal. If the relationship has ended, there is no reason you should get daily updates on the person's life. If you simply can't help yourself, do it quietly, and never repeat what you read or use it to hurt the writer.
Feedback and initiating contact
If they have a guestbook, sign it. Compliments will always be graciously accepted and appreciated. Criticisms and reproaches are fine if you have a problem with something, but try to remain constructive and not be an asshole. No one is forcing you to give out your opinions, so if you don't have anything remotely positive to say, it may be best to keep quiet.
When contacting a person for the first time, have a clue. If they have a detailed biography and personal information that describes their life from the day they were born, chances are they won't appreciate you wasting their time asking them how old they are or where they live. Writers put a lot of thought and time into their sites, so take the time to read the information they provide you with before you ask for more.
Never assume a writer owes you any response. They may receive from a few to hundreds of messages per day. Some will gladly write back immediately, others will never reply. Try not to take it personally, because chances are it has more to do with their schedule than anything else. If you get upset and nasty about feeling rejected, you will probably ruin any chances you had of befriending the person.
Don't delude yourself into thinking that you will be as important to the writer as he/she is to you. Remember, you are peering in on their life, sharing their thoughts, and though they may become quite special to you, you remain a mystery to them. If they are cold or unreceptive to your advances, keep in mind that you are a stranger to them at this point, and they may or may not want to keep it that way. It's entirely their choice.
Don't be a psycho stalker.
You shouldn't contact people with messenger services unless they list their handles on their website. If you got it from someone else, forget you ever had it, they probably meant to keep it somewhat private.
A writer has the right to stop writing at any time for any reason they see fit, and at no point must they justify or explain these reasons to you or any of their readers. It's their weblog, they can do with it as they please.
Offensive language and materials
The internet is a place that encourages free and creative expression, and as in any environment where people are given this freedom, conflict may arise. If an author uses language or materials that offend you, leave. Contacting the person or their isp, demanding they remove the content or change their ways is absurd because you are viewing their content of your own free will by visiting their site. Simply stop going there and you won't have to see whatever it is you don't like about the site. An obvious exception to this would be if someone were providing illegal materials, in which case it would be appropriate to complain to their isp or contact wuthorities.
Copyright and courtesy *remember this!
Never ask someone to make you a layout, to help with your site or show you how to do a certain script or graphic effect that they have on their site, unless they specifically offer their help. There are plenty of tutorials available to help you, just use a search engine to find what you need.
Never use anything off a person's site, be it writing, images or html code, unless they say otherwise. People are very attached to their work and don't usually respond well when others help themselves to it. Copyright is protected by law and in effect the minute something is created, whether the author has a © notice or not. There are online tools where you can learn about copyright laws like What is Copyright?and Redistribution In Graphics Has To Stop.
Under no circumstances should you ever direct link anything, this includes link buttons and any other graphics the writer may offer. Direct linking is when you type something like a code to display the yahoo link button, instead of actually saving it and uploading it on to your server. It is essentially bandwidth theft, because it uses data transfer, and the owner of the server has to pay for it. Always save the image and upload it to your own server unless the author specifically states you can do otherwise
finally ive got a dedix notebook.. haha. i really dont know what to type here(!)
oh yeah..ive watch harry potter & the order of phoenix.. haha.. & toystory 1&2 & the incredibles yesterday(!) whoooo... Harry Potter fan(!) well frankly harry is getting uglier by the minute
finally i have a sim card now(!) whooo.. but(!) it was suppose to be an aljawal sim but(!) mom & dad buy me mobily.. haiiz.. but its okai. hmm. i really what to put internet on my cellphone but i dont know how(!)
we went to the mall (MOD) at 12 noon then come back at home at 5 pm haha woah.(!) were in the mall for 5 hours.. & my leg hurts