
my lame life

i suffer from insomnia today... i woke up from my oh-so-comfortable bed at the mids of my dreamless sleep at 5 am just to go to school cause im the OD *Officer Of the Day in out C.A.T and i have to drag myself in the shower just to be early and i have to be there on or before 6 am

ive arrived at the school like 6:10am and guess what? im the only living breathing being walking in the souless campus.. well except for the janitors and my little bro.

ive managed to read a book entitled "i never loved your mind" cause im waiting for other people to come so anyway.. about the book: the book has a really really weird cover but the content is remarkable every sentence has its philosophic words that makes me wanna read.. and oh well...

laila first introduced me this book back then in first high and i got turned off by its bizarre cover then this year laila bug me about reading the book then i finally gave in and decided to read the book ... at that moment i find the book somewhat cool ..

"never judge a book by its cover" i guess that quote is really true

today we watch "Odyssey" in our classroom in a projector for our film showing in english.. at first glance the movie is somewhat boring so me and shel watch "national treasure" instead. we watch the it in a portable dvd player owned by: laila ..anw the Odyssey movie is like 3 hours long so all of our classes in the afternoon are canceled.. the whole class ordered mcdo and i just ordered a McFlurry cause ive just got backrupt
i watch the movie right after the dvd shut down by itself...

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Thanks for commenting (・∀・) I'll get back to that asap.