
Best Of Blog Awards *October

Best Of Blog Awards *for october

New Rules and Regulations
your blog must be kawaii (pink,cute, etc.)
No ripping.. must credit all the stuff and resources in your blog
put this banner somewhere in your blog to confirm that you join.. if not i will not include you in the participants
please do check on my blog from time to time if you have won anything or any latest updates and information regarding this contest (i will not tag anyone in their tagboard)

there will be NO Voting system for this "award". i will be the one to judge to be fair...
If you are the one that made your blog layout/skin you'll get the higher chance of winning...

i will only pick 3 winners (first,second, and third) and a participation banner
the one who won 1st place cant join for 2 months.. (to be fair for the others)

i will rate you using stars. Yellow star is the highest followed by violet then white. Highest number of stars is 10 only:
for example:

i will also give a tip, advise or opinion (according to my point only) to improve on your blog but if nothing seems to be wrong with your blog i wont give anything

the blog button of the first place winner will be advertise and put in my side bar for the whole month

comment me below if you want to join in the following format, tagging at my tagboard will be considered as void

blog button:
blog url:

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Thanks for commenting (・∀・) I'll get back to that asap.