Vote now!
NOTE: Do note that i wont be hosting anymore contest for this would be the last.. to be fair for the winner her button will be displayed in my sidebar for the whole month
Why do i deserve to win?
Bianca says: i dunno. maybe because i'm an active blogger.
Grace says: im an active blogskinners, i've submit in total of 43 skins i think, till now i never get STOD.. im happy to submit skins and let other people to use and download it.. ^^ i won fight for STOD.. so as for my blog i also create my own design and so on, same goes for my buttons.. hahas.. so yup.. no STOD nvm, but i wana try in here winning the STOM.. also good luck to all, sorry writing so longish words..
Tiana says: This is my first time participating, so, yeah. I'm pretty inexeperienced. I think that I deserve to win because then I can bug my other friends into joining this contest & creating blogs by repeatedly yelling "IF I CAN WIN, SO CAN YOU! :D!" LOL :x
Freda says: Cause i feel that my blogskin is kind of nice .. and i believe i can do it !!
Fangmin says: spent lotsa time making my blogskin :D & I hope that my blog can get popular (: Hahas . Of course I hope that I can win something for it toos xD
Amelia says: Well, i don't really know why, but i do hope i can win something during the month of my birthday, besides i have also spent effort in my blog layout.Hopefully i might stand a change to win. (:
Janice says: well...i want to win something but even if i lose,at least i had fun right?Well...good luck peepos!I hope i can win something because it will be my 1st award for like my blog?.
Agnes says: Two words , Originality & Creativity I create my blog using my own ideas & creating my own materials :D So yupps , Originality & creativity are needed in a person's blog & this makes it worth the Site of the Month
CandyQueen says: I spent a lot of time on my blog layout. ^^ Hopefully someone actually notice my blog ^^
Siying says: tink that i deserve to win because , i am active in blogging although i do not create my own skin(for now) but i m learning how to design stuff n etc .so i guess it will be a good start for me if i win tis competion. (:
Priscilla says: That's because i've spent a lot of time on my layout and decorating up the whole blog, even though ms.sock puppet really designed this skin and i only shanged some things here and there. Further more, i joined SOTM June last month and didn't win anything so i really hope to get a nice prize and get to put the banner on my blog, not just a "certificate of participation
Little-Miss-Wendy says: Win? I did not even think about the word win. All i wanted is fun, not frame. Anyway, hope readers will support me. :D
Pauline says: winnin is not the main point,having FUN is what i want.Making more friends & showin my hard work of making my layout is the destination. ^^
Shimin says: Well...i would surely like to win but at the same time i just wanna grab some achievements.Win or not it may not be important to me,all i want is to have fun=)
Grace (aka Tapioca) says: Uh...because I like blogging and designing my blog? :D
Lisa says: My blog is 1oo% made by me & I would like t share with people around me of my unique-ness :D
Unique blog will always be special in everyone's eye :D
Elyne says: Well , there is no paticular reason , I joined to check out how my blog ranks , even if I lost it's okay , cause I am pretty inexperienced in these contests [: It would be an achievement. Sorry if this decription is very long :X
Brenda says: Because ... I put effort in designing and im a very active blogger.
Lucy says: New Blog-New things-Fresh start.
Because my blog displays kawaii images, brand new pixels for users, and intriguing posts for others to read. Good experience if i win ;D
Helena says: I don't have to win... I just wanna have fun... So... I don't know... I don't really have a reason...
Annie says: Well, I do use other people's base codes for my blog but I still put 100% of effort into it and make it quite unique from others. Hopefully, I also blog everyday, but sometimes, when I do not have the time, I won't blog on that day but the next day, I'll still add on to what happened the day before and today. I really would love to win this SOTM, since I just gotten Participation Award the last month. I hope this month won't be the same...
Ayumii says: Well , I don`t care if I lose , because I just wanna have fun . Besides , I`m pretty inexperienced in these type of stuff , and I wanna try something new.
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